No more than eighteen (18) members govern the Prospera Housing Community Services (PHCS) Board of Directors who ensure advancement of our mission to provide service-oriented, high-quality, affordable housing. PHCS reserves on-third of its membership for low-income representatives to maintain its statewide Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) status, under criteria established by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA). PHCS’s CHDO member representation allows participation in the decision-making processes directly affecting their communities and provides a voice for their neighbors.
Carole O. Bufler*
Darrell Deming
Charles Glenn*
Dadiri Jama*
Angelica Granados*
David A. Valdez, M.D.
Richard M. Pena
Jonathan Matthew “Matt” Hull
Michelle Whetten
Charlotte More*
David Puall
Monica Carmona*
*CHDO Representative
Chair – Rafael I. Torres
Vice Chair & Secretary – Nancy L. Hard
Treasurer/Assistant Secretary – C. William “Bill” Nash
Jaclyn S. Woodring
Ernestine Trujillo